University of Miskolc / UNIM, Faculty of Earth Science & Engineering
University of Miskolc, the largest higher education institution and a scientific centre in Northern Hungary looks back to a history of more than 280 years.
University of Szeged
University of Szeged is a Hungarian state owned university dedicated to higher education and state of the art R&D.
European Federation of Geologists/EFG
EFG is a not-for-profit professional geoscience organisation focused on the promotion of excellence in the application of geology and in raising public awareness of the importance of geosciences for society.
Iceland GeoSurvey/ ISOR
ISOR is an independent, state-owned research institution which conducts research projects in the field of natural science, energy and natural resources.
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), British Geological Survey
BGS is UK’s leading body to advance the understanding of the structure, properties and processes of the solid Earth system through interdisciplinary surveys, monitoring and research.
Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia / LNEG
LNEG is a national R&D institution oriented to meet the needs of society and business, within a sustainability frame through the generation of energetic and geological knowledge of Portugal.
La Palma Research Centre S.L. / LPRC
La Palma Research Centre for Future Studies is an independent, internationally active geoscience think-tank headquartered on Isla la Palma, Spain.
Agency for international mineral policy / MinPol
MinPol is an internationally operating network consisting of experts for every related branch in the field of minerals policy.
Geological Institute of Romania / IGR
Geological Institute of Romania, as national geological survey, elaborates the national geological, hydro-geological, geophysical, geothermal and metallogenetic maps at various scales.
KU Leuven, Dept. Materials Engineering
KU Leuven is the largest Dutch-speaking university in Belgium, founded in 1425 and considered the oldest Catholic university still in existence.
Geological Survey of Sweden / SGU
The Geological Survey of Sweden is the national expert agency for issues relating to bedrock, soil and groundwater and the management of mineral resources in Sweden.
EFG Linked Third Parties will be involved in the assessment of data sources (WP1), promotion of pilot actions (WP6) and dissemination (WP7):
Czech Union of Geological Associations, Czech Republic
CAEG – Unie Geologickych Asociaci
Finnish Union of Environmental Professionals, Finland
YKL – Ympäristöasiantuntijoiden Keskusliitto
French Geological Society, France
SGF – Société Géologique de France
Professional Association of German Geoscientists, Germany
BDG – Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenchaftler e.V
Association of Greek Geologists, Greece
SEG – Syllogos Ellinon Geologon
Hungarian Geological Society, Hungary
MFT – Magyarhoni Földtani Társulat
Institute of Geologists of Ireland, Ireland
IGI – Institute of Geologists of Ireland
Italian National Council of Geologists, Italy
CNG – Consiglio Nazionale dei Geologi
Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands, the Netherlands
KNGMG – Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap
Polish Association of Minerals Asset Valuators, Poland
PAMAV – Polskie Stowarzyszenie Wyceny Złóż Kopalin
Association of Portuguese Geologists, Portugal
APG – Associação Portuguesa de Geologos
Serbian Geological Society, Serbia
SGS – Srpsko Geolosko Drustvo
Slovenian Geological Society, Slovenia
SGD – Slovensko Geolosko Drustvo
Official Spanish Association of Professional Geologists, Spain
ICOG – Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Geologos
Swiss Association of Geologists, Switzerland
CHGEOL – Schweizer Geologen Verband
Ukrainian Association of Geologists, Ukraine
UAG – Ukrainian Association of Geologists
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Belgium
IRSNB – Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique