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EU Policy


Public Consultation on Commission Raw Materials Initiative, Background paper, P1, More information.

Other H2020 projects


DEEPEGS | Deployment of deep Enhanced Geothermal Systems for Sustainable Energy Business – The goal with the DEEPEGS project is to demonstrate the feasibility of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) for delivering energy from renewable resources in Europe.


Descramble | Drilling in dEep, Super-CRitical AMBient of continentaL Europe – The DESCRAMBLE project proposes to drill in continental-crust, super-critical geothermal conditions, and to test and demonstrate novel drilling techniques to control gas emissions, the aggressive environment and the high temperature/pressure expected from the deep fluids.


DESTRESS | Demonstration of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs – DESTRESS is aimed at creating EGS (Enhanced geothermal systems) reservoirs with sufficient permeability, fracture orientation and spacing for economic use of underground heat. The concepts are based on experience in previous projects, on scientific progress and developments in other fields, mainly the oil & gas sector.


GEOTeCH | Geothermal Technology for €conomic Cooling and Heating – The Energy Efficiency Directive sets out measures to achieve further savings in energy supply and use. Indeed buildings represent one of the biggest potential of unused energy savings.


GEOWELL | Innovative materials and designs for long-life high-temperature geothermal wells – New concepts for high-temperature geothermal well technologies are strongly needed to accelerate the development of geothermal resources for power generation in Europe and worldwide in a cost effective and environmentally friendly way. The GeoWell project will address the major bottlenecks like high investment and maintenance costs by developing innovative materials and designs that are superior to the state of the art concepts.


SURE | Novel Productivity Enhancement Concept for a Sustainable Utilization of a Geothermal Resource – Within the EC funded Horizon 2020 project SURE the radial water jet drilling (RJD) technology will be investigated and tested as a method to increase inflow into insufficiently producing geothermal wells.


Thermodrill | Fast track innovative drilling system for deep geothermal challenges in Europe – The goal of the ThermoDrill project is to develop an innovative drilling system which will enable faster and cost-efficient drilling.


Cheap-GSHPs | CHEAP AND EFFICIENT APPLICATION OF RELIABLE GROUND SOURCE HEAT EXCHANGERS AND PUMPS – In order to achieve the objectives of Cheap-GSHPs, a multidisciplinary and complementary consortium has been built, composed by specialists in different disciplines involved (physics, climatology, chemistry, mechanics, engineering, architecture, drilling and GSHE technology). The majority of them have a large and comprehensive experience in the framework of the European Commission (EU) Research Programs and particularly in shallow geothermal systems.